Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Pierson, Lauren; Ganz, Jay B.; Pustejovsky, James E.; Reichle, Joe; Vannest, Kimberly J.; Wattanawongwan, Sanikan; Foster, Margaret; Fuller, Marcus C.; Haas, April N.; Sallese, Mary Rose; Smith, S. D.; Yllades, Valeria; Morgan, Peyton; Kenny, Emily; Paterson, Scout (2021-04-23)
      The authors conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies including individuals with ASD and ID that used augmentative and alternative communication devices for the purposes of communication. The documents ...
    • Sallese, Mary Rose (2021-06-23)
      Educators increase the likelihood of positive student outcomes when they consistently prioritize the use EBPs during instruction. Maximizing the impact of instructional time through evidence-based practices (EBPs) is ...